Friday, September 7, 2018

Low birth weight and its causes

Low Birth Weight: Babies with birth weight of less than 2500grams irrespective of gestational age may be called as low birth weight.
There are a wide range of causes of low birth weight. Some of them are mentioned below.

Placental Causes:
a.      Fetal distress
b.     Multiple gestation
c.      Erythroblastosis fetalis
Uterine Causes:
a.      Bicornuate uterus
b.     Incompetent Cervix
Maternal Causes:
a.      Teenage mother
b.     Pre eclampsia
c.      Chronic medical illness
d.     Infections
Other Causes:
a.      Pre mature rupture of membrane (PROM)
b.     Polyhydramnios
c.      Diabetes
d.     Rh incompatibility
More over any factor that causes Intra uterine growth retardation can lead to a low birth weight.